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There are many people within the UK who do not understand that ____ (9) people may have different levels of what they can accomplish. For example, a job such as being a columnist can be achieved by a person with a physical disability to the same level as an fully able-bodied person and equally a person who suffers from a mental disability can be ____ (10) of performing manual tasks such as labouring. However doctors and social workers can determine whether the individual is suitable for work and what type of work they are able to perform.

English grade 11: 
(Tiếng Anh 11 và bài tập có đáp án- Bài 4)
1. Vocabulary
disability (n): sự khuyết tật, sự hạn chế
disabled (adj): khuyết tật
visual (adj): thuộc thị giác
physical (adj): thuộc thân thể
cognitive (adj): thuộc nhận thức
impaired (adj): suy yếu, kém
impairment (n): sự suy yếu
blind (adj): mù
deaf (adj): điếc
deafen (v): làm điếc, cách âm
deafening (adj): làm chói tai
dumb (adj): câm
the Youth Union: Đoàn thanh niên
integrate (v): hòa nhập
campaign (n): chiến dịch
battery (n): pin
donate (v): quyên góp, hiến tặng
perceive (v): nhận thấy
preferable (adj): thích hợp hơn
energetic (adj): mạnh mẽ
record (v): thu âm
support (n): sự hỗ trợ
enthusiastically (adv): hăng hái
slogan (n): khẩu hiệu
Santa Claus: Ông già Nô-en
involve somebody in: mời ai tham gia vào ...
mobility (n): khả năng đi lại
Yule (n): lễ giáng sinh
Yule log (n): khúc củi đốt vào đêm Nô-en
coordination (n): sự phối hợp
coach (v): huấn luyện
vocational (adj): thuộc nghề nghiệp, hướng nghiệp
fracture (v): làm gãy
wheelchair (n): xe lăn
propose (v): đề xuất
hardship (n): sự khó khăn
discrimination (n): sự kỳ thị
unite (v): đoàn kết
strengthen (v): thắt chặt
background (n): hoàn cảnh
pedestrian (n): người đi bộ
audible (adj): có thể nghe thấy
indicate (v): chỉ
promote (v): xúc tiến
barrier (n): rào cản
poverty (n): sự nghèo đói
2. Grammar
The past simple and the present perfect
2.1. The past simple (Thì quá khứ đơn)
2.1.1. Form:
+) S + V-(e)d/V-2                                She lived in California.
She left her hometown.
-) S + did not + V                                They did not live in California.
They did not leave their hometown.
?) Did + S + V?                                  Did you live in California?
Did you leave your hometown?

* Note: V-2 là động từ bất quy tắc, ta phải học thuộc lòng trong cột thứ 2 của bảng động từ bất quy tắc.
2.1.2. Use: Thì quá khứ đơn được dùng để nói về:
- Hành động xảy ra tại thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ.
e.g.      She went out to visit her friends yesterday.
(Hôm qua bà ấy ra ngoài thăm các bạn mình.)
I started learning English 10 years ago.
(Mình đã bắt đầu học Tiếng Anh 10 năm trước.)
He worked for police force in 1990.
(Ông ấy đã làm cho ngành công an vào năm 1990)
- Chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau trong quá khứ.
e.g.      He opened the door, entered the room and then turned on the light.
(Anh ta mở cửa, vào phòng rồi bật đèn lên.)
2.2. The present perfect (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành)
2.2.1. Form:
+) S+ have/has +V-(e)d/V-3                           She has lived in California.
She has left her hometown.
-) S + have/has not + V-(e)d/V-3                    They have not lived in California,
They have not left their hometown.
?) Have/has+ S + V-(e)d/V-3?                        Have you lived in California?
Have you left your hometown?

* Notes:
- V-3 là động từ bất quy tắc, ta phải học thuộc lòng trong cột thứ 3 của bảng động từ bất quy tắc.
- Has dùng với ngôi thứ ba số ít, have dùng với các ngôi số còn lại.
222. Use: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành được dùng để nói về:
- Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng thời gian không rõ ràng.
e.g.      She has gone out to visit her friends.
(Bà ấy đã ra ngoài thăm các bạn mình.)
I have learnt English.
(Mình đã học Tiếng Anh.)
He has worked for police force.
(Ông ấy đã làm cho nghành công an.)
- Tình huống hiện tại bắt đầu trong quá khứ, thường dùng với since/for
e.g.      He has learnt English since 2002.
(Anh ấy bắt đầu học Tiếng Anh từ năm 2002.)
My dad has worked as a carpenter for 30 years.
(Bố của tôi đã làm nghề thợ mộc được 30 năm.)
* Notes:
- for + khoảng thời gian (3 days, 5 years, a long time...), since + mốc thời gian (last Monday, 2015, his childhood )
- Phân biệt last + ... và for the last + .... last week: tuần trước (đã kết thúc), for the last week: suốt tuần qua (tính đến hiện tại, vẫn còn), last month - for the last month, last semester - for the last semester
e.g.      We repainted our house last week.
(Chúng tôi sơn lại nhà tuần trước.)
We have repainted our house for the last week.
(Chúng tôi sơn lại nhà suốt tuần qua.)
3. Pronunciation
Elision of vowels (Nuốt/bỏ âm nguyên âm)
Trong lời nói tự nhiên của người bản ngữ, họ có xu hướng nuốt/bỏ các nguyên âm yếu như âm /s/ để nói nhanh và dễ hơn.
e.g.      History /'hɪstri/ is my favorite subject.
Does he own a restaurant /'restrɒnt/?

2. Give the English word and Vietnamese meaning to each of the following transcription.
1. ___cognitive_____ /ˈkɒɡnətɪv/ (adj): _____thuộc nhận thức_____
2. _____impairment_____ /ɪmˈpeəmənt/ (n): _____sự suy yếu_______
3. _____integrate______ /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ (v): _______hòa nhập______
4. ____campaign_____ /kæmˈpeɪn/ (n): _____chiến dịch_____
5. _____perceive_______ /pəˈsiːv/ (v): _____nhận thấy_____
6. _____energetic______ /ˌenəˈdʒetɪk/ (adj): _____mạnh mẽ______
7. _____enthusiastically______ /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪkli/ (adv): _____hăng hái_____
8. _____propose______ /prəˈpəʊz/ (v): _______đề xuất______
9. ______background_______ /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ (n): ______hoàn cảnh_____
10. _____audible______ /ˈɔːdəbl/ (adj): _____có thể nghe thấy_____
3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. A few weeks ago, a woman ______called_____ (call) to report a robbery at her house.
2. How ____did_____ the burglar _____break____ (break) in without anybody hearing him?
3. The burglar ___went___ (go) into the front room, opened all the cupboards and ____took___ (take) a valuable collection of CDs.
4. The car wasn't badly damaged, but we ______decided_____ (decide) to turn around and go home.
5. She _____left_____  (leave) the door unlocked when she came back home.
6. I _____have worked_____ (work) at the restaurant since I moved here.
7. She _____has known____ (know) him since she was a child.
8. British women ____have overtaken____ (overtake) British men in the Internet usage for 10 years. Experts are trying to explain this.
9. We _____have just received______ (just/receive) your message to us all about the seminar on Friday.
10. _____Has_____ your teacher _____done_____ (do) a lot of presentations before?
4. Complete the following sentences.
1. Vietnamese _____won Dien Bien Phu battle/ defeated French_______ in 1954.
2. Alexander Graham Bell _______invented the telephone______ in 1876.
3. Facebook ________was launched__________ in February 2004.
4. Vietnam ________joined the WTO (World Trade Organization)_________ on 11 January 2007.
5. Vietnam ________has been a member_____ of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) since 2016.
5. Find and correct mistakes in following sentences.
1. The unemployment rate increased since 1995.
    The unemployment rate has increased since 1995.
2. I worked with my presentation for the last week and I am happy with it now.
    I have worked with my presentation for the last week and I am happy with it now.
3. At last week's lecture, you've said that we should try using visual aids as soon as possible.
    At last week's lecture, you said that we should try using visual aids as soon as possible.
4. In my last presentation, I have used the overhead projector.
    In my last presentation, I used the overhead projector.
5. I lived in England for the past 3 years.
    I have lived in England for the past 3 years.
    I lived in England 3 years ago.
1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
audible                        support                        coached                       indicates          backgrounds
perceived                     slogans                        blind                            involve                         mobility

1. I must have been ______blind________ not to realize the danger we were in.
2. The patient was ___________perceived________ to have difficulty in breathing,
3. There is strong public ______support________ for the change.
4. The crowd began chanting anti-government ________slogans________.
5. We want to ________involve_______ as many people as possible in the celebrations.
6. An electric wheelchair has given her greater ________mobility_________.
7. Her father _______coached_______ her for the Olympics 8 years ago.
8. In spite of their very different _____backgrounds_____, they immediately became friends.
9. The article claims that an increase in crime ______indicates_____ a decline in moral standards.
10. Her voice was barely ________audible________ above the noise.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. physical

a. the act of making parts of something, groups of people, etc. work together in an efficient and organized way
2. cognitive
b. to train somebody to play a sport, to do a job better, or to improve a skill
3. coordination
c. connected with mental processes of understanding
4. coach
d. connected with the skills, knowledge, etc. that you need to have in order to do a particular job
5. vocational
e. connected with a person's body rather than their mind

Your answer:
1. ____e____              2. ____c____              3. ____a____              4. ____b____              5. ____d____
3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or _____physical______ condition. (physic)
2. He knew I was _____energetic______ and dynamic and would get things done. (energy)
3. The new program is really well designed, she says ________enthusiastically________. (enthusiastic)
4. There is a need for greater ______coordination_______ between departments in this bank. (coordinate)
5. The two men endured great _____hardship______ during their trek across Antarctica. (hard)
6. It would be _______preferable_______ to employ two people, not one. (prefer)
7. Many elderly people live in ________poverty______. (poor)
8. All _______donated_______ blood is tested for HIVand other infections. (donate)
9. Lack of _______confidence_________ is a psychological barrier to success. (confide)
10. The new manager has _____strengthened_____ the side by bringing in several younger players. (strong)
4. Choose the best answer.
1. The boy was perceived to have difficulty in listening. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. thought                   B. brought                   C. received                  D. delivered
2. Evan: “How can I find the number for the City Hall?"
    - Steven: "____”
A. Take the red line to downtown.
B. Thanks a lot. I've found what I need the most.
C. Try to look it up in the yellow page.
D. You're welcome.
3. They are studying the links between ____ and linguistic development in young children.
A. language                 B. cognitive                 C. positive                   D. negative
4. The policy is to integrate children with special needs ____ ordinary schools.
A. into                         B. over                                    C. beside                     D. above
5. "That enthusiastic lecturer hasn't done research for five years." has the closest meaning to:
A. That enthusiastic lecturer hasn't done research since five years.
B. That enthusiastic lecturer has done research five years ago.
C. That enthusiastic lecturer did research five years ago.
D. That enthusiastic lecturer did research for five years ago.
6. “I started spending time away from home when I was quite young." has the closest meaning to:
A. I have spent time away from home since I was quite young.
B. I started spending time away from home since I was quite young.
C. I have spent time away from home when I was quite young.
D. I spent time away from home since I was quite young.
7. They have not made any effort to ____ with the local community.
A. integrate                  B. concentrate             C. relate                       D. contribute
8. Cost should not be a barrier ____ the use of legal services.
A. into                         B. over                                    C. beside                     D. to
9. Nationalist parties ____ to oppose the government's plans.
A. unites                      B. united                      C. unit                         D. uniting
10. She has fallen and ____ her skull.
A. fractured                 B. have structured                   C. fracture                   D. structure
11. The government ____ changes to the voting system recently.
A. has proposed          B. proposed                 C. proposes                             D. was proposing
12. The most significant rise ____ between 1995 and 2000.
A. has occurred           B. occurs                     C. had occurred                       D. occurred
13. Two pedestrians ____ when the car skidded.
A. were injuring                      B. was injured             C. were injured                       D. was injuring
14. He ____ to a wheelchair since the accident.
A. has been confined               B. confined                  C. has confined                       D. confines
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. promote                  B. occur                       C. campaign                D. deafen
16. Nowadays we say someone is ‘____’, not dumb.
A. hearing-impaired                B. speech-impaired                  C. sight-impaired         D. vision-impaired
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
She has coached hundreds of young singers for last year.
  A               B                     C                                 D
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting,
They did not made any effort to integrate with the local community so far.
                    A                   B                         C                         D
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. fracture                   B. perceive                  C. donate                     D. record
20. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
It's the first time I participated in it, so I am really pleased.
        A                             B                 C                       D
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. some / week, / from / talked / of / to / my / I / colleagues / Australia. / Last
    Last week, I talked to some of my colleagues from Australia.
2. plan / They / presented / to / an / lately. / action / school / the / have / principal
    They have presented an action plan to the school principal lately.
3. three / you / ago / decide / organize / to / football / a / match / Did / days /?
    Did you decide to organize a football match three days ago?
4. We / long / cooperated / a / with / firm / have / for / time. / that
     We have cooperated with that firm for a long time.
5. Japanese / sibling / from / taught / since / has / he / Her / graduated / university
    Her sibling has taught Japanese since he graduated from university.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Helping people with disabilities
What was once thought of as merely a physical ____ (1) now covers many more problems an individual may have, whether they be in the structure of the individual or rather in the mind. Generally, disabilities ____  (2) to reflect an interaction between features of a person's body juxtaposed against the features of the society where that individual lives.
People with disabilities are generally considered to have a lower quality of life, however through important ____ (3) and government advances, this is no longer the case. There are many social care activities that ____ (4) those with physical and / or mental disabilities in order to allow them to fulfill an independent, higher quality of existence. Social care workers are regularly visiting those in need of support and helping them carry out practical tasks that need to be completed around the area where the individual lives.
Individuals can suffer from different ____ (5) that affect the body in different ways, as there are a number of ways in which a person can be classed as being disabled. For example, an individual may ____ (6) as being disabled if they have had an impairment in the past, including physical, sensory and cognitive.
Mental ____ (7), learning difficulties, terminal illness and chronic disease can also qualify a person as being disabled. These problems may have occurred from birth as a random genetic code or perhaps they will occur throughout life through illness or accident. No matter how, why or what any person who is classed as being disabled is offered the same level of help and service ____ (8) social workers.
There are many people within the UK who do not understand that ____ (9) people may have different levels of what they can accomplish. For example, a job such as being a columnist can be achieved by a person with a physical disability to the same level as an fully able-bodied person and equally a person who suffers from a mental disability can be ____ (10) of performing manual tasks such as labouring. However doctors and social workers can determine whether the individual is suitable for work and what type of work they are able to perform.
1. A. impaired                         B. impairs                    C. repair                      D. impairment
2. A. are considered                B. is considered           C. considered              D. consider
3. A. healthy                            B. cared                       C. healthcare               D. health
4. A. are involving                  B. is involving             C. are involved            D. is involved
5. A. disabled                          B. disability                 C. ability                      D. disabilities
6. A. beautify                          B. qualify                    C. rely                         D. entry
7. A. disorders                         B. orders                      C. able                         D. disable
8. A. for                                   B. by                           C. of                            D. over
9. A. able                                 B. abled                       C. disabilities               D. disabled
10. A. able                               B. ability                      C. capable                   D. disability

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==> Bài tập Unit 3 - Tiếng Anh 11 có đáp án 14

English, English 11, Học tiếng Anh, Kiến thức, Kiến thức THPT, Lớp 11, Tiếng Anh, Tiếng anh 11, 
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