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1. ____sustainable____ /səˈsteɪnəbl/ (adj): ____bền vững______
2. _____infrastructure______ /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ (n): _____cơ sở hạ tầng____
3. ____detect______ /dɪˈtekt/ (v): _____dò tìm, phát hiện ra_____
Xem bài giảng về đảo ngữ và chữa đề thi THPT Quốc gia tại đây

4. _____sensor______ /ˈsensə(r)/ (n): _____thiết bị cảm biến_____
5. _____dweller_______ /ˈdwelə(r)/ (n): ____cư dân_____
6. _____insoluble______ /ɪnˈsɒljəbl/ (adj): ______không thể hòa tan, không thể giải quyết______
7. _____optimistic______ /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ (adj): _____lạc quan_______
8. _____innovative______ /ˈɪnəvəɪtɪv/ (adj): _____có tính đổi mới______
9. ______tunnel______ /ˈtʌnl/ (n): ______đường ống, đường hầm______
10. _____deodorize______ /diˈəʊdəraɪz/ (v): _____khử mùi_____

1. Vocabulary
sustainable (adj): bền vững
liveable (adj): sống được
environmentally (adv): với môi trường
solar energy (n): năng lượng mặt trời
solar panel (n): tấm pin năng lượng mặt trời
generate (v): phát, tạo ra
renewable (adj): có thể phục hồi
impact (n): ảnh hưởng
urban (adj): thuộc thành phố
inhabitant (n): cư dân
infrastructure (n): cơ sở hạ tầng
overcrowded (adj): đông nghịt
upgrade (v): nâng cấp
researcher (n): nhà nghiên cứu
detect (v): dò tìm, phát hiện ra
sensor (n): thiết bị cảm biến
warning (n): lời cảnh báo
dweller (n): cư dân
insoluble (adj): không thể hòa tan, không thể giải quyết
install (v): lắp đặt, cài đặt
shortage (n): sự thiếu
wastewater (n): nước thải
paradise (n): thiên đường
traffic jam (n): tắc nghẽn giao thông
untreated waste (n): rác thải không được xử lý
slum (n): nhà ổ chuột
pessimistic (adj): bi quan
optimistic (adj): lạc quan
capable (adj): có khả năng
overpopulated (adj): bùng nổ dân số
overpopulation (n): sự bùng nổ dân số
aging population (n): dân số già
compost (n): phân trộn
tsunami (n): sóng thần
salutation (n): lời chào
innovative (adj): có tính đổi mới
tunnel (n): đường ống, đường hầm
deodorize (v): khử mùi
eventually (adv): cuối cùng là
convert ... into: biến .... thành
monitor (v): giám sát
authority (n): nhà chức trách, thẩm quyền
teleconferencing (n): hội nghị qua điện thoại
occupy (v): ở, dùng
commercial space (n): khu thương mại, chỗ buôn bán
2. Grammar
2.1. Question tags (Câu hỏi đuôi)
2.1.1. Form:

   + , - , ?
    - , + ?

Câu hỏi đuôi gồm 2 phần: phần chứa thông tin chính và phần đuôi, ngăn cách nhau bởi dấu phẩy ‘,’, ta trả lời “Yes/No”. Thông thường khi phần chính ở dạng khẳng định thì phần đuôi ở thể phủ định và ngược lại.
e.g.      This picture is a portrait, isn't it?
(Bức tranh này là tranh chân dung phải không?)
That man drives carefully, doesn't he?
(Chú đó lái xe cẩn thận nhỉ?)
This picture isn't a portrait, is it?
(Bức tranh này phải không là tranh chân dung đúng không nhỉ?)
 That man doesn't drive carefully, does he?
(Chú đó chẳng lái xe cẩn thận gì nhỉ?).
- Trong câu hỏi đuôi phần chính và phần đuôi phải cùng thì, tương ứng dụng động từ.
e.g.      That man doesn't drive carefully, does he?
(Cùng thì hiện tại đơn, động từ thường)
This picture isn't a portrait, is it?
(Cùng thì hiện tại đơn, động từ to be)
- Chủ ngữ của phần đuôi là đại từ nhân xưng nên ta phải chọn đại từ nhân xưng tương ứng với chủ ngủ của phần chính.
e.g.      That man doesn't drive carefully, does he?
(That man = he)
Khi chủ ngữ về trước là đại từ bất định chỉ người (somebody, someone) thì phần đuôi ta dùng “they”, chỉ vật (something, anything ...) ta dùng “it”.
e.g.      Somebody had closed the door, hadn't they?
Something happened in this house, didn't it?
2.1.2. Use:
Câu hỏi đuôi có thể dùng để hỏi về thông tin mà ta chưa rõ hoặc chỉ để duy trì cuộc hội thoại (hỏi mặc dù biết người nghe sẽ đồng ý với ta).
- Hỏi về thông tin mà ta chưa rõ:
e.g.      They've moved here since last year, haven't they?
(Họ chuyển đến đây từ năm ngoái phải không?)
- Để duy trì cuộc hội thoại (hỏi mặc dù biết người nghe sẽ đồng ý với ta):
e.g.      That student was impolite, wasn't she?
(Bạn học sinh đó bất lịch sự nhỉ?)
Notes: một số trường hợp đặc biệt của câu hỏi đuôi:
- Let's ... shall we?
e.g.      Let's go to the cinema, shall we?
- Imperative
e.g.      Help me carry this box, won't you?
Don't stop singing, will you?
- Negative
e.g.      No one came up, did they?
= People didn't come up, did they?
- I am ..., aren't I?
e.g.      I am a good leader, aren't I?
- This/That is
e.g.      This/That is a hippo, isn't it?
2.2. Conditional sentences type 0 (câu điều kiện loại 0)
2.2.1. Form:
            If/When + present tense, present tense/imperative
Or:       Present tense/Imperative + if/when present tense

e.g.      If/When you buy a motorbike, you also have to buy insurance.
(Nếu anh mua một chiếc xe máy, anh cũng phải mua bảo hiểm.)
Turn off the machine if/when you see the red button on it.
(Tắt cái máy đó khi cậu thấy nút đỏ ở trên nó.).
2.2.2. Use: Ta dùng câu điều kiện loại 0 để diễn tả chân lý hoặc điều mà ta cho là luôn đúng.
e.g.      If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
(Nếu bạn đun nước đến 100 độ C, nó sẽ sôi.)
Relax for a while when you feel tired.
(Hãy thư giãn một lúc khi con thấy mệt.)
3. Pronunciation
Intonation: questions tags (Ngữ điệu với câu hỏi đuôi)
Câu hỏi đuôi có thể dùng để hỏi về thông tin mà ta chưa rõ hoặc chỉ để duy trì cuộc hội thoại (hỏi mặc dù biết người nghe sẽ đồng ý với ta).
- Khi hỏi về thông tin mà ta chưa rõ, ta sẽ lên giọng ở cuối câu:
e.g.      They've moved here since last year, haven't they?!
(Họ chuyển đến đây từ năm ngoái phải không?)
- Để duy trì cuộc hội thoại (hỏi mặc dù biết người nghe sẽ đồng ý với ta), ta xuống giọng ở cuối câu:
e.g.      That student was impolite, wasn't she?
(Bạn học sinh đó bất lịch sự nhỉ?).

2. Give the English word and Vietnamese meaning to each of the following transcription.
1. ____sustainable____ /səˈsteɪnəbl/ (adj): ____bền vững______
2. _____infrastructure______ /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ (n): _____cơ sở hạ tầng____
3. ____detect______ /dɪˈtekt/ (v): _____dò tìm, phát hiện ra_____
4. _____sensor______ /ˈsensə(r)/ (n): _____thiết bị cảm biến_____
5. _____dweller_______ /ˈdwelə(r)/ (n): ____cư dân_____
6. _____insoluble______ /ɪnˈsɒljəbl/ (adj): ______không thể hòa tan, không thể giải quyết______
7. _____optimistic______ /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ (adj): _____lạc quan_______
8. _____innovative______ /ˈɪnəvəɪtɪv/ (adj): _____có tính đổi mới______
9. ______tunnel______ /ˈtʌnl/ (n): ______đường ống, đường hầm______
10. _____deodorize______ /diˈəʊdəraɪz/ (v): _____khử mùi_____
3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. His wife _______works_______ (work) in a luxury hotel, doesn't she?
2. Irish people living in Great Britain _____do not have______ (not/ have) the right to vote in British elections, do they?
3. You ___________did not do________ (not/do) your homework, did you?
4. A number of prospective participants _____have not signed______ (not/sign) up yet, have they?
5. The waste ______had not been deodorized____ (not/ deodorize) before this method was introduced, had it?
6. She ______has just bought_______ (just/buy) a new bicycle, hasn't she?
7. This vase _____was made_____ (make) in a mountainous village in the 14th century, wasn't it?
8. If you _____need______ (need) help, you often turn to your friends.
9. I think that if you have lots of friends, you ____are_____ (be) lucky.
10. What _____happens_____ to the engine (happen) if you put diesel fuel into a petrol-driven car?
4. Complete the following sentences.
1. If ____you pour/ drop oil into water_____, it floats.
2. If you boil milk, it ____forms a skin on the top_______.
3. If you ______plant a tree____, you have to water it every day.
4. If you sneeze, you _____have to open your mouth___.
5. I don't really like going to parties unless _____I know most people there____.
5. Find and correct mistakes in following sentences.
1. The boy waiting in the hall expected a phone call, did he?
    The boy waiting in the hall expected a phone call, didn’t he?
Or: The boy waiting in the hall did not expect a phone call, did he?
2. Passengers had to change in Manchester, had they?
    Passengers had to change in Manchester, didn’t they?
3. The conferences planned by non-governmental organizations were about globalization, will it?
    The conferences planned by non-governmental organizations were about globalization, weren’t they?
Or: The conferences planned by non-governmental organizations were not about globalization, were they?
4. After a long discussion, the members in their group decided to stay in a hotel overlooking the nearby river, had it?
    After a long discussion, the members in their group decided to stay in a hotel overlooking the nearby river, didn’t they?
Or: After a long discussion, the members in their group did not decide to stay in a hotel overlooking the nearby river, did they?
5. The strawberries being eaten at the wedding of my colleague were grown in Scotland, are they?
     The strawberries being eaten at the wedding of my colleague were grown in Scotland, weren’t they?
Or: The strawberries being eaten at the wedding of my colleague were not grown in Scotland, were they?
1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
urban               detect               traffic jam                    warning                       insoluble
slums               impact                         renewable                    capable                        installed

1. Experts say that we should make use of _____renewable____ sources of energy such as wind and solar power.
2. The report assesses the _____impact____ of AIDS on the gay community.
3. It was reported that there was serious damage to both _____urban_____ and rural environments after the earthquake.
4. The tests are designed to _____detect_____ the disease early.
5. She had ignored the _______warning______ signs of trouble ahead.
6. These chemicals are practically ______insoluble_____ in water.
7. The hotel chain has recently ______installed_____ a new booking system.
8. Our coach was caught in a _____traffic jam______ and got to Heathrow forty minutes late.
9. She was brought up in the _______slums_____ of Leeds that were very poor, dirty and in bad condition.
10. I'm perfectly __________________________________________ of doing it myself, thank you.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. solar panel
a. with too many people or things in it
2. generate
b. a piece of equipment on a roof that uses light  and heat energy from the sun to produce hot water and electricity
3. renewable
c. a person or an animal that lives in a particular place
4. inhabitant
d. that is replaced naturally or controlled carefully and can therefore be used without the risk of finishing it all
5. overcrowded
e. to produce or create something
Your answer:
1. ____b____              2. ____e____              3. ____d____              4. ____c____              5. ____a____
3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in
1. The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and _____renewable_____ power sources. (renew)
2. The workers are constantly _____monitored_______ for exposure to radiation. (monitor)
3. About 800 years ago, it was a town of 11 000 _____inhabitants_____. (inhabit)
4. According to the report, too many poor people are living in _____overcrowded____ conditions. (overcrowd)
5. In a journal article, European  ______researchers______ say olive oil could help prevent cancer. (research)
6. The noise is barely _______detectable/ detected______ by the human ear. (detect)
7. It has been announced that _______installation_______ of the new system will take several days. (install)
8. There will be a prize for the most _______ innovative ______ design. (innovate)
9. As a part of her duties, she is developing the _____ commercial ______ side of the organization. (commerce)
10. Some legal experts think the agency may have exceeded its ______authority______. (author)
4. Choose the best answer.
1. Businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the recession. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ____.
A contact                     B. effect                       C. impose                    D. extend
2. Jessica: “What's your personal view on the wind power experiment?" - Jill: “____”
A. No, we have a meeting then.                      B. I was expecting that he would win.
C. I expect it will be a hit.                               D. Yes, I got in touch with Dr. Martin.
3. On the flight back, we were ____ to business class.
A. upgraded                B. graded                     C. assessed                  D. apologized
4. They came up with an idea for developing an instrument that can ____ small amounts of radiation.
A. detect                      B. declare                    C. determined              D. defame
5. “Nobody bought cakes made by this firm, did they?" has the closest meaning to ____.
A. People bought cakes made by this firm, did they?
B. People didn't buy cakes made by this firm, did they?
C. No one bought cakes made by this firm, didn't they?
D. Nobody bought cakes made by this firm, didn't they?!
6. "If you freeze water, it turns to ice." has the closest meaning to ____.
A. Water turns to ice when it is frozen.                       B. Water turned to ice if it is frozen.
C. Water turned to ice when it is frozen.                     D. Water turns to ice when it froze.
7. Security lights with an infrared ____ are nightmare for burglars.
A. identify                   B. sensitive                  C. sensor                     D. tense
8. There is no ____ of (= there are plenty of) things to do in the town.
A. leakages                  B. advantage               C. gage                        D. shortage
9. Employees who prove themselves to be ____ will usually get promoted quite rapidly.
A. irresponsible                       B. unstable                  C. able                         D. capable
10. Nothing will be done because no one in ____ (= who has a position of power) takes the matter seriously.
A. authenticity                         B. stability                   C. authority                 D. reliability
11. You can make your own compost in a compost bin, ____ you?
A. can't                        B. hadn't                      C. couldn't                   D. don't
12. Let's find someone to generate new ideas, ____?
A. will you                  B. shall we                  C. can we                    D. didn't you
13. They were warned by a friend in the organization that their phone calls were being monitored, ____ they?
A. were                       B. did                          C. weren't                    D. didn't
14. They greeted the newcomers with friendly ____.
A. occupations                        B. salutations               C. insulting                  D. criticizing
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. upgrade                  B. detect                      C. urban                      D. install
16. They appeared surprisingly ____ about their chances of winning. They said that there would be no opportunities for them.
A. pessimistic              B. pessimist                 C. optimistic                D. optimist
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Foreign observers monitored voting at polling stations around the country, did they?
      A                                                   B                                       C                 D
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
He was not physically capable of climbing out of the window, couldn't he?
                          A                     B                       C                             D
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. authority                 B. deodorize                C. inhabitant                D. salutation
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. architectural            B. knowledgeable       C. archaeological                     D. excavation
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. 12th / occupies / on / an / the / floor. / He / office
    He occupies an office on the 12th floor.
2. everyone./ Her / impact / made / profound / on / speech / a
    Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.
3. tunnel / the / built / new / They've / through / mountain. / a
    They’ve built a new tunnel through the mountain.
4. Word / Have / got / installed / you/ computer? / on / your
    Have you got Word installed on your computer?
5. lot / proposal / generated / of / The / interest. / has / a
    The proposal has generated a lot of interest.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Living Buildings
Homes and buildings will operate as living organisms, monitoring performance and ____ (1) to our needs in real time, saving us energy and money.
Solar-Powered Public Transportation
Cities will be connected by lightning-fast, solar-powered public transportation options that are clean and ____ (2). They may even be stilted above existing roadways.
Solar Surfaces
Solar panels will begin to appear in unlikely places. They will cover sidewalks, line the outside of buildings, and double as fully ____ (3) windows.
Solar Energy from Space
Solar energy ____ (4) from space and beamed down to earth, providing clean, cheap and efficient electricity to power our cities.
High-Speed Long-Distance Travel
People will travel hundreds of miles in just minutes through solar-powered pods ____ (5) through elevated, depressurized tubes, kind of like Elon Musk's Hyperloop.
Self-Driving Electric Cars
All vehicles will get their energy from the electrical grid. There will be no exhaust pipes, no carbon dioxide ____ (6), no gas stations, and no car accidents.
Smart Grids
Consumers and power sources will communicate in real time through fiber optic smart grids that will reduce blackouts, ____ (7) energy efficiency, and save money.
Innovative Wind Turbines
Cities will ____ (8) electricity from a host of new wind power innovations - turbines that float on the ocean, bladeless wind turbines, and turbines that hover in the atmosphere.
Energy Independent Homes
Homes will be adorned with solar panels, small-scale wind turbines and other sources of electrical generation, allowing them to operate ____ (9) from the grid, when necessary.
Efficient Water Use
Buildings will be equipped ____ (10) comprehensive water management systems, allowing them to collect rainwater, monitor water use, and efficiently recycle gray water.
1. A. adapted                           B. to adapt                   C. adapting                  D. adapt
2. A. contaminate                    B. toxic                        C. detrimental              D. convenient
3. A. functionally                    B. functional                C. functions                 D. function
4. A. will be harvested            B. will harvest             C. harvests                   D. harvested
5. A. that travels                      B. that travel                C. to travel                   D. being travelling
6. A. emissions                        B. missions                  C. commissions           D. fashions
7. A. enlarged                          B. decrease                  C. maximize                D. fall

8. A. dedicate                          B. concentrate             C. generate                  D. deliberate
9. A. irresponsibly                   B. environmentally      C. dependently            D. independently
10. A. behind                          B. above                      C. over                                    D. with

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==>> Tất tần tật kiến thức Tiếng Anh lớp 11 và bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 có đáp án
==> Bài tập Unit 9 - Tiếng Anh 11 có đáp án 1

English, English 11, Học tiếng Anh, Kiến thức, Kiến thức THPT, Lớp 11, Tiếng Anh, Tiếng anh 11, 
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