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____ (1) in downtown PortlandOregon, in the median strip of a parkway is Mill Ends Park. This park, according to the Guinness Book of World Records as of 1971, is the smallest park! in the world measuring only 452-square inches - that's only 2 foot across! And ____ (2), Portland is also home to a 6,000 acre urban-forest - the largest in its country,
1. Vocabulary
nightlife (n): hoạt động giải trí ban đêm
go sightseeing (n): đi ngắm cảnh
imperial (adj): thuộc hoàng tộc, hoàng đế
citadel (n): thành lũy
comprise (n): bao gồm
complex (n): quần thể, tổ hợp
royal (adj): thuộc hoàng gia
palace (n): cung điện
royal palace (n): hoàng cung
intact (adj): còn nguyên vẹn
ruin (n): đống đổ nát
dynasty (n): triều đại
subsequent (adj): sau
demolish (v): phá hủy
relic (n): di tích
excavation (n): việc khai quật, chỗ khai quật
archaeological (adj): thuộc khảo cổ
heritage (n): di sản
monument (n): công trình (kỷ niệm)
grotto (n): hang động
scenery (n): phong cảnh
hospitable (adj): hiếu khách
reasonable (adj): hợp lý, phải chăng (giá)
breathtaking (adj): hấp dẫn
be well-known for: nổi tiếng về = be famous for
magnificent (adj): rất đẹp, lộng lẫy
cruise (n): chuyến đi chơi bằng đường biển
itinerary (n): lịch trình cho chuyến đi.
superb (adj): tuyệt vời
prawn (n): tôm hồng
sea clam (n): con ngao
crab (n): con cua, con ghẹ
authentic (adj): thật, đáng tin cậy
elegance (n): vẻ thanh lịch
islet (n): hòn đảo nhỏ
knowledgeable (adj): am hiểu
tomb (n): mộ, mả
emperor (n): hoàng đế
poetic (adj): nên thơ
mosaic (n): khảm (ghép mảnh)
prestigious (adj): có uy tín
limestone (n): đá vôi
stream (n): dòng suối
flora (n): quần thực vật
fauna (n): quần động vật
steep (adj): dốc
criterion (n): tiêu chí (số nhiều: Criteria)
date from/back: có niên đại từ
architectural (adj): thuộc kiến trúc
set off: khởi hành
mausoleum (n): lăng
marble (n): đá hoa
mosque (n): nhà thờ hồi giáo
dome (n): mái vòm
acknowledge (v): công nhận
muslim (adj): thuộc Hồi giáo
masterpiece (n): kiệt tác
blend (v): pha trộn
harmonious (adj): hài hòa
2. Grammar
Participle and to-infinitive clauses (V-ing, V-(e)d/3, To V)
Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể thay thế bằng hình thức ngắn gọn hơn bằng cách bỏ đại từ quan hệ và biến động từ của mệnh đề quan hệ thành V-ing, V-(e)d/3 hoặc To V
2.1. V-ing: ta đổi động từ của mệnh đề quan hệ thành V-ing khi nó được chia ở thể chủ động.
e.g.      A picture that shows the image of a person is a portrait.
→ A picture showing the image of a person is a portrait.
(Bức tranh thể hiện hình ảnh của một người là tranh chân dung.)
The man who is driving the car is a friend of mine,
→ The man driving the car is a friend of mine.
(Người đàn ông đang lái chiếc xe đó là bạn của tôi)
2.2. V-(e)d/3: ta đổi động từ của mệnh đề quan hệ thành V-(e)d/3 khi nó được chia ở thể bị động.
e.g.      The problems that were discussed will be essential for your exam.
→ The problems discussed will be essential for your exam.
(Vấn đề đã được thảo luận sẽ cần thiết cho kỳ thi của em.).
She only eats cakes that are made by her mother.
→ She only eats cakes made by her mother.
            (Cô bé chỉ ăn bánh được làm bởi mẹ của mình.)
Note: ta dùng being + V-(e)d/3 khi động từ của mệnh đề quan hệ chia ở thì tiếp diễn.
e.g.      The problems that are being discussed will be essential for your exam
→ The problems being discussed will be essential for your exam.
(Vấn đề đang được thảo luận sẽ cần thiết cho kỳ thi của em.)
She is looking at the cakes that are being made by her mother.
→ She is looking at the cakes being made by her mother.
(Cô bé đang nhìn vào những cái bánh đang được làm bởi mẹ của mình.)
2.3. To V: ta đổi động từ của mệnh đề quan hệ thành To V khi đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho danh từ đi với số thứ tự (the first, the second ...), so sánh nhất (the best, the most intelligent ...), the next, the last, the only
e.g.      Neil Armstrong was the first person who landed on the moon.
→ Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon.
(Neil Armstrong là người đầu tiên đặt chân lên mặt trăng.)
Jane was the most intelligent student that took part in the contest.
→ Jane was the most intelligent student to take part in the contest.
(Jane là học sinh thông minh nhất tham gia cuộc thi đó.)
Tom is usually the last person who understands the joke.
→ Tom is usually the last person to understand the joke.
(Tom thường là người sau cùng hiểu ra trò đùa.)
3. Pronunciation
Choice questions (Câu hỏi lựa chọn)
- Câu hỏi lựa chọn là câu hỏi sử dụng “or” (hoặc), có thể có một hoặc nhiều lựa chọn trước “or”. Trong lời nói tự nhiên người bản ngữ lên giọng ở các lựa chọn trước và xuống giọng ở lựa chọn sau cùng, sau "or".
e.g.      Do you live in New York or Washington?
(Ông sống ở New York hay Washington?)
Is it a citadel, a tomb or a wall?
(Nó là thành trì, lăng mộ hay bức tường?)
What would you like to have for your breakfast? Rice or noodle?
(Anh muốn ăn gì cho bữa sáng? Cơm hay phở?)

2. Give the English word and Vietnamese meaning to each of the following transcription.
1. ___imperial___ /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ (adj): ____thuộc hoàng tộc, hoàng đế______
2. ____citadel______ /ˈsɪtədəl/ (n): _____thành lũy_____
3. ____intact_______ /ɪnˈtækt/ (adj): _____còn nguyên vẹn____
4. _____dynasty_______ /ˈdɪnəsti/ (n): ____triều đại_____
5. ____relic_____ /ˈrelɪk/ (n): _____di tích_______
6. _____excavation______ /ˌekskəˈveɪʃn/ (n): ____việc khai quật, chỗ khai quật______
7. _____hospitable_______ /hɒˈspɪtəbl/ (adj): _____hiếu khách____
8. _____magnificent_____ /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ (adj): _____rất đẹp, lộng lẫy______
9. ______emperor______ /ˈempərə(r)/ (n): ______hoàng đế_______
10. _____harmonious______ /hɑːˈməʊniəs/ (adj): ____hài hòa______
3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The house _______standing_______ (stand) at the end of the road will soon be sold.
2. Irish people ________living________ (live) in Great Britain have the right to vote in British elections.
3. Animals ________eating________ (eat) plants are called herbivores.
4. Lorries _______coming_______ (come) over the bridge have to be careful of the wind.
5. I don't know much about the games ___________played________ (play) by children nowadays.
6. We live in a house _________built_________ (build) when our family moved to this town.
7. This vase, ________made_______ (make) in a mountainous village in the 14th century, is very valuable.
8. Mike was the only one ________to understand_______ (understand) the situation I was in.
9. The last person _________to leave________ (leave) should turn off the lights.
10. He was the most successful one ________to run_____ (run) the Human Resources Department last quarter.
4. Complete the following sentences.
1. Barack Obama is the first black man _____to be elected to be the U.S. president____.
2. President Clinton ____is the first U.S. leader to officially visit____ Vietnam since U.S. troops withdrew from the country in 1975.
3. ___Richard Nixon_____ was the last U.S. serving president to visit the region when he traveled to the former U.S.-backed South Vietnam in July 1969 when the war was raging.
4. Bao Dai ________was the last king to rule in Vietnam______.
5. Binh Ngo Dai Cao ____is the first Declaration of Independence of Vietnam____.
5. Find and correct mistakes in following sentences.
1. The boy was waiting in the hall expected a phone call.
     The boy waiting in the hall expected a phone call.
Or: The boy who/ that was waiting in the hall expected a phone call.
2. Passengers wanted to go to Liverpool had to change in Manchester.
    Passengers wanting to go to Liverpool had to change in Manchester.
Or: Passengers who/ that wanted to go to Liverpool had to change in Manchester.
3. The conference which was planning by non-governmental organizations was about globalization.
    The conference which was planned by non-governmental organizations was about globalization.
Or: The conference planned by non-governmental organizations was about globalization.
4. After a long discussion, the members in their group decided to stay in a hotel overlooks the nearby river.
    After a long discussion, the members in their group decided to stay in a hotel overlooking the nearby river.
5. The strawberries being eating at the wedding of my colleague were grown in Scotland.
    The strawberries which were being eaten at the wedding of my colleague were grown in Scotland.
Or: The strawberries which were eaten at the wedding of my colleague were grown in Scotland.
Or: The strawberries being eaten at the wedding of my colleague were grown in Scotland.
Or: The strawberries eaten at the wedding of my colleague were grown in Scotland.
1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
blend               steeper                         masterpiece                 hospitable                    breathtaking
elegance          set off               acknowledge                           absolutely                    subsequent

1. Developments on this issue will be dealt with in a ______subsequent_____ report.
2. The local people are very ___________hospitable_________ to strangers.
3. They said they had never seen such an amazing place. The scene was one of _____breathtaking_____ features.
4. All of the attendants strongly agreed that his performance was _____absolutely_____ superb.
The Grand
5. Synonymous with luxury and timeless _______elegance______, The Grand Hotel will re-open in December.
6. It was demonstrated that the path grew _________steeper_________ as the participant students climbed higher.
7. We _______set off_______ for London just after ten yesterday and arrived there at 1 p.m.
8. She refuses to _______acknowledge_______ the need for reform.
9. The museum houses several of his Cubist __________masterpieces_______.
10. _______Blend______ the flour with the milk to make a smooth paste.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. scenery
a. very exciting or impressive (usually in a pleasant way)
2. breathtaking
b. a work of art such as a painting, film/movie, book, etc. that is an excellent, or the best, example of the artist's work
3. itinerary
c. to accept that something is true
4. acknowledged
d. the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, when you are thinking about them being attractive to look at
5. masterpiece
e. a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit
Your answer:
1. ____d____              2. ____a____              3. ____e____              4. ____c____              5. ____b____
3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in
1. We sell good quality food at _______reasonable______ prices. (reason)
2. She looked _______magnificent________ in her wedding dress. (magnify)
3. He did not _______acknowledge______ that he had done anything wrong. (knowledge)
4. A _______harmonious_____ alliance between management and workers is crucial for success of a company. (harmony)
5. The committee is _____comprised___ of representatives from both the public and private sectors. (comprise)
6. He is scheduled to observe work Saturday at the ______excavation_____ site of an America jet-fighter which crashed in 1967 near Hanoi. (excavate)
7. He thanked Patricia for being such a _______hospitable______ hostess. (hospital)
8. Visitors should be more responsible for the preservation when they visit ____archaeological___
sites. (archaeology)
9. She is very _____knowledgeable_____ about plants. (know)
10. Visits to four different countries are included in your ______itinerary______. (itinerate)
4. Choose the best answer.
1. Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ____.
A. affect                      B. infect                       C. the same                              D. attack
2. Amy: "Why don't we meet at the conference room or shall we just stay here?" - Tony: “____”
A. He came to a seminar last week.                            B. Thanks, I've just finished my dinner.
C. He attended a conference yesterday.                      D. It might be cozier here.
3. After the Mongol invasion of 1241, a ____ was built on the hills opposite the city.
A. citadel                     B. cruise                      C. tidal                         D. oppose
4. Two bodies were found among the charred ____ of the house.
A. rains                        B. ruins                        C. roams                      D. roles
5. “The poem that is being read by the actor was written by her nephew." has the closest meaning to ____.
A. The poem is being read by the actor was written by her nephew.
B. The poem being read by the actor was written by her nephew.
C. The poem that read by the actor was written by her nephew.
D. The poem that reading by the actor was written by her nephew.
6. "This is the most magnificent grotto in the world which attracts millions of visitors every year." has the closest meaning to ____.
A. This is the most magnificent grotto in the world attracts millions of visitors every year.
B. This is the most magnificent grotto in the world attracted millions of visitors every year.
C. This is the most magnificent grotto in the world being attracting millions of visitors every year.
D. This is the most magnificent grotto in the world to attract millions of visitors every year.
7. ____ is a period of years during which members of a particular family rule a country.
A. City                                    B. Abolish                   C. Dynasty                  D. Downturn
8. He had devoted his life to the development of the district, so a ____ to him was erected in St Paul's Cathedral.
A. monument              B. moment                   C. mountain                 D. mention
9. Visits to four different countries are included in your ____.
A. delivery                  B. dictionary                C. available                 D. itinerary
10. Take a trip on a(n) ____ Spanish galleon to the famous Papagayo beach.
A. authentic                 B. semantic                  C. mosaic                    D. chaotic
11. Tourists should avoid purchasing unusual relics ____ from protected heritage sites.
A. that illegally removed                                 B. illegally removed
C. were illegally removed                               D. that being illegally removed
12. Students ____ in their essays late will lose ten marks.
A. to hand                   B. handing                   C. hand                        D. are handing
13. That was the last seminar ____ by Prof. Wilson
A. that gave                 B. that be given                       C. to be given                          D. was given
14. The building stands as the last remaining ____ of the town's cotton industry.
A. garlic                      B. rely                         C. relic                         D. expose
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. comprise                 B. complex                  C. royal                       D. palace
16. The collection on display at the National Museum of Art ____ 327 paintings.
A. comprises               B. consists                   C. insists                      D. enterprises
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
The Citadel gate damaging in the storm has now been repaired by a group of skilled workers.
  A                               B                                                     C                         D
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Students are carrying out research need to develop good critical thinking.
                        A                                     B                 C                    D
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. citadel                     B. dynasty                   C. imperial                   D. subsequent
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. architectural                        B. knowledgeable                   C. archaeological                     D. excavation
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. were / a / welcome. / given / We / royal
    We were given a royal welcome.
2. demolished / factory / due / be / year. / The / to / is / next
    The factory is due to be demolished next year.
3. about / I / to / consulted / expect / issues. / be / major
    I expect to be consulted about major issues.
4. relics / pictures / the / days / walls / The / from the / on / her / were / marriage / before
    The pictures on the walls were relics from the days before her marriage.
5. the / was / build / to / He / a / his / determined / life / of / ruins / of/ career. / out / new
    He was determined to build a new life out of the ruins of his career.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Mill Ends Park / The Smallest Park in the World
____ (1) in downtown Portland, Oregon, in the median strip of a parkway is Mill Ends Park. This park, according to the Guinness Book of World Records as of 1971, is the smallest park! in the world measuring only 452-square inches - that's only 2 foot across! And ____ (2), Portland is also home to a 6,000 acre urban-forest - the largest in its country,
The space where Mill Ends Park sits was to become the site for a light pole. The park ____ (3) when the light pole failed to appear and local Irish columnist Dick Fagan sat staring at the vacant space from his second-story office window. ____ (4) to take action, Fagan planted flowers in the vacant space, naming it ‘Mill Ends’ after his column in the Oregon Journal. Some contextual info, 'mill ends' are the odd, unusable pieces of wood ____ (5) over at a mill. On St. Patrick's Day in 1948, the park was officially dedicated to the town of Portland.
Known for his ____ (6) of imaginative humor, Fagan often wrote of 'goings on' at the park in his column, and of the many trials and tribulations of the leprechaun colony that inhabited the park. He often published work about his meetings with his friend and head leprechaun Patrick O'Toole. In Fagan's writings of his meetings with O'Toole, the leprechaun leader ____ (7) that Mill Ends Park was 'the only leprechaun colony west of Ireland'! In 1969, Fagan sadly died due to cancer, but ____ (8) the park has still been cared for by many of Portland's townsfolk and continues to thrive.
Before and after Fagan's death, many different things have been placed in the park. These have included a small swimming pool for butterflies complete with a diving board, a fragment of the Oregon Journal building where Fagan worked, a horseshoe and even a little leprechaun leaning happily against his pot of gold in 2001! In 2006 the park ____ (9) due to roadwork on the parkway, but it was moved back to its original location with a festive celebration that featured Royal Rosarians, bagpipers, and Fagan's own family ____ (10) his widow Katherine.
To this day the legends of the leprechauns still live on within the Fagan family. One of Dick's sons, Pat Fagan, is known to have enjoyed sharing the experience of the park with his own son, and it quoted as saying "it's still the largest leprechaun colony west of Ireland!"
1. A. Located               B. To locate                 C. Locates                   D. Being locating
2. A. co-incident          B. co-incidents            C. co-incidental           D. co-incidentally
3. A. created                B. was created             C. creating                   D. to create
4. A. To decide           B. Decide                    C. Deciding                 D. Decided
5. A. leaving                B. to leave                  C. leave                       D. left
6. A. sense                   B. focus                       C. major                      D. responsibility
7. A. claiming              B. being claimed         C. claimed                   D. to claim
8. A. from then            B. since                       C. from                        D. since then
9. A. is temporarily relocated                          B. being temporarily relocated
    C. was temporarily relocated                       D. to be temporarily relocated
10. A. include              B. to include                C. includes                  D. including

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==> Bài tập Unit 8 - Tiếng Anh 11 có đáp án 1

English, English 11, Học tiếng Anh, Kiến thức, Kiến thức THPT, Lớp 11, Tiếng Anh, Tiếng anh 11, 
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